"Boy! " shouted Danglars. "Bring me a pen and paper."
These were brought.
"When one thinks, " said Caderousse, "that here is a thing which will kill a man more surely than if one waited for him at night with an axe!"
"What are you going to do?" said Fernand.
"I will tell you," replied Danglars, "Dantes has just come back from a journey, during which he stopped at the Island of Elba. We have only to send a letter to some officer of the government, saying that he is working for Napoleon, to bring Napoleon back as ruler of France instead of our present King."
"I will write that letter, " cried Fernand.
"And then Mercedes will not love you any more! No, it would be better to let me write it, with my left hand."
So saying, Danglars began, "A friend of the King desires that the King's officers should know that Edmond Dantes of the ship Pharaoh brought with him from Elba a letter to the followers of Napoleon in Paris. If he is seized, the letter will be found with him, or at his father's house, or in his own room on the ship."
Danglars put the letter in a cover and wrote the name on it, "Mr. Villefort."
"So that's settled," he said.
"Yes, that's settled," said Caderousse, "But it is a dirty piece of work." He put out his hand to take the letter.
"Well then, we won't send it." Danglars threw the letter onto the ground.
"Very well then. Let us go," said Caderousse, "Come, Fernand, won't you return to Marseilles with me?"
"No," said Fernand, "I shall go to the Catalans."
Danglars started off with Caderousse towards Marseilles. When they had gone about twenty yards Danglars looked back and saw Fernand take up the letter from the ground, and run off towards the city.
"Ho!" said Caderousse, seeing Fernand. "What a lie he told! He said he was going to the Catalans, but he has started off towards the city."
"Perhaps you did not hear what he said the first time," replied Danglars.
"Come, come." said Danglars to himself, "Now the thing has been set going, and it will go on by itself."